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Travel for “religious or pilgrimage” purposes is  the oldest form of tourism , which has deep historical roots. One of the first tourists were the medieval pilgrims . Russian Orthodox pilgrimage dates back to the early centuries of Christianity in Russia . Thus, the Russian Orthodox pilgrimage counts for over 1000 years. Russian people have always perceived as a pilgrimage to the holy work necessary for every believer.  Centers of pilgrimage appeared in Russia step by step.

Located at the crossroads of European and Asian cultures , Samara has incorporated features of both Great Western and Eastern civilizations. Multiethnic and tolerant character Samara shows every day . Traveling across the expanses of the Samara region , you can understand and feel the wisdom of thousands of years , touch the holy sites of Orthodox Christianity, Islam , Buddhism, learn the origins of religion and mythology with great history .

Participation in religious ceremonies as well as the audience attract tourists. Keeping any kind of faith is not an obstacle for the trip to the holy places . Almost all the residents and visitors of Samara region with curiosity and interest involve in religious festivals. It is necessary to respect the local laws and customs, not necessarily perform rituals follow a religion or cult , except in cases where the purpose of travel - the pilgrimage.